Alfa Romeo Team Representative Alessandro Alunni Bravi admits that the team are using Aston Martin as a “reference” for how they hope to progress. In 2022, Alfa finished the season on equal points with Aston but it was the former that placed ahead in P6 of the Constructors’ standings, having secured a higher race finish than Aston had during the campaign. Aston, meanwhile, have taken a signicant step forwards in 2023. The squad currently sit P2 in the rankings after claiming three podium finishes with Fernando Alonso at the opening events of the year. The season so far has been less consistent for Alfa, with the outfit presently in P8, just one point behind Haas and two away from Alpine. Alfa Romeo impressed by Aston Martin Alunni Bravi has praised Aston Martin for their development and credits various factors as contributing towards their progression. “They did a very good job,” Alunni Bravi told media, including . “For me, this is not a matter of having a good-performing car this year, but how they have developed the team. This started not during this winter, but two years ago, when they decided to invest, to have a recruitment plan. “They added a very good profile to the team, so it’s no more the Aston Martin of years ago. This development plan [has paid] dividends, they have Fernando.” Alunni Bravi: We need to learn Alfa Romeo have examined Aston Martin’s step forward as they look to emulate the situation, Alunni Bravi says. “I think that they did good steps in all areas, and this is an example of what we can achieve,” he explained. “We have discussed this internally and we say, ‘Look at [this], this is a reference’. “If we do a good job, [make] the right choice, invest in the areas where it’s important [for] our performance, we can do a step. They did a very, very big one, so this is a good example. “Sometimes in Formula 1, we think that [it] is all about money – no. You need to find the right people, you need a lot of factors. You need to put it all together, and they did a good job, for sure. “Now they’re fighting with Mercedes and Ferrari. Last year they were fighting with us so, of course, we need to learn.”

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