Charles Leclerc has admitted he doesn’t share Max Verstappen’s
criticism over the show-like atmosphere surrounding the Las Vegas
Grand Prix. On the build-up to the race weekend, an opening
ceremony was held in which the drivers were presented to fans on
platforms after a musical event by several artists. Verstappen took
issue with the pre-weekend formality, stating that he felt like a
“clown” throughout the event. F1 has been heavily marketing its Las
Vegas race due to the famous night-life the city holds, with this
weekend’s Grand Prix set to take place on Saturday night. While
Verstappen is not a fan of the festivities, Leclerc has pointed out
that such displays can help bring new fans to the sport. “It’s a
lot, but I think if you don’t do that here, you don’t do that
anywhere,” Leclerc told media including RacingNews365. “I mean,
what’s most important to me is that the DNA of the sport remains
the same. “However, we need to also take opportunities of these
kinds of events in such incredible cities, and make something
around it that will maybe attract people that are not interested in
racing at first, but then once they get the see the cars in real
life then they get interested in racing. “This could be potentially
many more fans for the sport in the years to come. So I think it’s
great, what F1 has done until now.” Leclerc urges F1 to tackle
ticket prices On the build-up to the Las Vegas Grand Prix, the cost
of tickets was criticised as many fans were priced out of attending
the race. The pre-weekend ceremony also saw a number of unattended
seats in the grandstands with tickets for the weekend still on sale
on the eve of the Grand Prix event. With many fans unable to attend
due to the cost, Leclerc has urged F1 to ensure that people aren’t
missing out on experiencing the sport over high prices. “That is a
really, really good point,” he added. “I hope that Formula 1 is
working around that. “There’s been many events now that are just
incredibly expensive, and fans, real fans that really love the
sport, can’t even afford to get to the races and actually watch the
races. “So this is definitely an issue that has to be tackled.” Who
do you agree with, Max Verstappen or Charles Leclerc? Let us know
by voting in the poll and in the comments below!

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