
The mystery of the Lamborghini from the The Wolf of Wall Street has long been solved: There were, in fact, three Countaches used during filming. One hero car, a backup car, and another car that was smashed up just for the purposes of the film. While the surviving Countach went up for auction earlier this year, the crashed hasn’t surfaced until now.

In an auction set up by Bonhams, the iconic car is put into sharp relief with a set of incredible photos. It’s hard to see just how badly smashed the Countach is in the film, but director Martin Scorsese did a number to the poor thing. In a conversation with The Drive earlier this year, the owner of the pristine car recounted that Scorsese had the Countach smashed up with typical methods but wasn’t satisfied. As the legend goes, he had crashed into other objects for a more convincing appearance.


Of course, the scene that the Countach features in is one the most iconic in the movie. Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, tries to drive back home while feeling the full effects of quaaludes. The scene plays out by DiCaprio crawling to the Lamborghini, barely hoisting himself into the driver’s seat, and miraculously getting the car into gear and driving one mile home. In that mile, the car gets destroyed.

The car has been perfectly preserved since the film’s completion in its as-seen condition. Every dent and scratch is as-done by Scorsese’s crew, and it’s one of the most iconic movie cars of all time despite it being a smashed-up Lambo. It even comes with several pieces of memorabilia from the film, including a director’s chair and clapboard signed by DiCaprio, Scorsese, and Margot Robbie, as well as a crew sweater and a Jordan Belfort costume. No quaaludes included.

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The post The Real Wrecked Lamborghini Countach From Wolf of Wall Street Is For Sale appeared first on The Drive.

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